Sue-Ann and David provide administrative assistance behind the scenes and are both well versed in migration administration.
Sue-Ann and David provide administrative assistance behind the scenes and are both well versed in migration administration.
Office Johannesburg: +27 11 783 9440
Mobile - Tracey: +27 82 419 3696
So that we may assess your eligibility for a Business Innovation and Investment Visa, please complete the following Assessment Form.
So that we may assess your eligibility for a General Skilled Migration, please complete the following Assessment Form.
Michelle Oztas: +27 11 783 9440
Tracey Lawrence: +27 82 419 3696
Registered Migration Agent No. 9803463
Tel: +27 11 783 9440
Australian Mobile: +61 404 371 683
The Business Exchange
4th Floor, 96 Rivonia Road
South Africa,