
Stable, culturally diverse and
democratic society with a skilled workforce

Living in OZ

This section is under construction and will be available to clients of Australian Migration Specialists, and you will need a username and password to login to this section of our website.  The information is intended to assist you in making your immigration to Australia as painless as possible and to familiarise you with Australian lifestyle aspects before your departure.

Under the current circumstances we are providing information on the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) which exists to ensure energy consumers are better off, now and in the future. Consumers are at the heart of their work, and they focus on ensuring a secure, reliable and affordable energy future for Australia. They recognise that energy is an essential service for Australian households and businesses and a critical contributor to the long term success of the Australian economy. 

Click here for the AER’s State of the Energy Market 2021 reports and click here for the AER’s Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025.

Just a few areas that will be highlighted here are:

  • Taking your pets to Australia
  • Opening bank accounts in Australia
  • Pre-migration checklists and information on shipping goods
  • Things to do on arrival in Australia
  • The healthcare system
  • The schooling system
  • Housing
  • Employment

We are endeavouring to get this information to you as soon as possible.

Apply Now

So that we may assess your eligibility for a Business Innovation and Investment Visa, please complete the following Assessment Form.

So that we may assess your eligibility for a General Skilled Migration, please complete the following Assessment Form.

Speak to our Consultants

Speak to a Australian Migration Specialists Consultant Michelle Oztas: +27 11 783 9440

Speak to a Australian Migration Specialists Consultant Tracey Lawrence: +27 82 419 3696

Registered Migration Agent No. 9803463

Contact Details

Tel: +27 11 783 9440

Australian Mobile: +61 404 371 683

The Business Exchange
4th Floor, 96 Rivonia Road
South Africa, 2057

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