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Over 50 occupations may be dropped from Australia's Skilled Occupation List

The Department of Education and Training provides advice to the Minister of Immigration and Border Protection on the composition of the SOL. Over fifty occupations may be removed from Australia’s Skilled Occupation List that identifies occupations for immigration to the country. The SOL is a compilation of occupations for skilled…

Golden future of the coast

When Australia’s Gold Coast was voted one of the top three places in the world to buy a second home in by the well-respected Knight Frank annual global The Wealth Report 2016, many onlookers were amazed. How could that strip of ritz and glitz along 57 kilometres of Queensland coastline possibly be in the same international…

Migrants aren’t taking our jobs, they’re creating them

The future prosperity of Australia’s labour market hinges on the participation of immigrants and refugees. Meet the entrepreneurs and start-ups upskilling these groups. Contrary to the views being espoused in the lead up to the election, the future prosperity of Australia’s labour market hinges on the participation of immigrants and…

Where future jobs will be - and where they won't

Joanna Tsakiridis started working as a receptionist in a business she loved so much she decided to buy it. She went from sending invoices to making huge glass windows in her own factory - from receptionist to skilled tradeswoman in less than five years. The opportunity to buy the Petersham aluminium and joinery business…

If you are Brisbane bound, read this

If you are heading to Brisbane soon, or you know someone who is, make The Joy Project your first port of call. The Joy Project offer relocation support and advice for anyone moving to Brisbane. For anyone who has relocated to or is thinking of moving to Brisbane, this is…

Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2014

Analysis of results for all employees provides an opportunity to compare broad earnings and employee characteristics by classifications of interest such as sex, method of setting pay, occupation, industry and sector, with the influence of compositional factors such as the proportion of part-time or casual employees. For example, an industry…

Migration, Australia, 2013-14

ABOUT THIS PUBLICATIONThis release brings together statistics on international migration into and out of Australia, internal migration within Australia between states and territories and information on overseas-born residents of Australia.STATUS OF DATA WITHIN THIS PUBLICATIONThe status of estimated resident population (ERP) by country of birth, and the components of population…

Labour force commentary December 2014

NATIONAL ESTIMATES Australia's unemployment rate decreased 0.1 percentage points to 6.1% in December 2014 (seasonally adjusted). The number of unemployed persons decreased by 16,200 to 759,200 in December 2014 (seasonally adjusted).In trend terms the unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.2% in December 2014. The number of employed persons in December…

Property makes Australians the world’s richest, says Credit Suisse

Thanks to their houses, Australians are the richest people in the world, according to the investment bank Credit Suisse. The fifth annual study by the Swiss bank of global wealth trends found the median Australian adult was worth more than $US225,000 ($258,000) in June, well ahead of the second wealthiest…

Another day, another stellar global comparison for Australia.

The Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report has ranked us number one in the world for median adult wealth, like last year and the year before that. What's more, the report predicts Australia will keep top spot on that measure until at least the end of this decade. But when it comes to average wealth,…

Farmers ready for food boom

BEEF sales to China and the US are booming, the live cattle trade is set for its biggest year ever after Indonesia ordered a record 264,000 head in the next three months, sheep are selling for $200 a head and dairy companies are struggling to keep up with demand for…

Canberra the best place to live, in the world's best country: OECD

Canberra is the best place in the world to live. And Australia is the best country, despite its problems. That's the result of an Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development report, which has ranked 34 countries on nine measures of well-being. The report is a serious attempt by economists to provide a clearer…

Employment projections for the five years to November 2018

These projections are based on ABS employment data for November 2013 and the Government’s forecasts and projections in the December 2013 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO). As such, they may not fully take account of the Government’s policies to boost employment growth, including reducing red tape costs, lowering the…

DIBP Occupation Ceilings

An occupation ceiling will be applied to invitations to apply to migrate under the points based skilled visas of the general skilled migration programme. There will be a limit on how many invitations are issued in these subclasses for a particular occupation to ensure that the migration programme is not…

Demand and supply of accountants

Speculation is rampant regarding the inclusions of Accountants on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) when the Department of Immigration and Border Protection release their new SOL on 1 July 2015. In fact on 12 November 2014 the Australian Financial Review announced that Accountants had been removed from the SOL for…
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Speak to a Australian Migration Specialists Consultant Michelle Oztas: +27 11 783 9440

Speak to a Australian Migration Specialists Consultant Tracey Lawrence: +27 82 419 3696

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